aunav.NEO HD
El único robot EOD/IED/NRBQ con sistema de geometría variable que permite aumentar o reducir su ancho automáticamente en pocos segundos.
Varios UGVs en uno
The combination of its variable geometry and self-stabilization system, allows the aunav.NEO HD to adapt to any operating scenario imaginable, including narrow airplane aisles, buses or subways and underground tunnels to wading through debris or traversing wide-open spaces. One robot fits all.
Added to this versatility is easy transport, thanks to the simple and quick disassembly of its components, and the great strength and power of its main arm, which enables it for a wide variety of EOD/IED/CBRN missions.
The advanced remote operation control unit provides the robot with autonomous capabilities that reduce operating times. aunav.NEO HD is also available in the aunav.NEO configuration, even lighter.
Amplia gama de colores:
RAL 6003
Olive Green
RAL 1002
Sand Yellow
RAL 1037
Sun Yellow
RAL 5015
Sky Blue
RAL 9011
Graphite Black
RAL 3024
Luminous Red
RAL 6010
Grass Green